Saturday, August 9, 2008


First I have to start by saying Happy 35th Birthday Ian! Ian is gone with his buds to a concert meanwhile the boys and I are having a blast with starting a new project, or two, or three.

First, I haven't quilted in probably over a year and my mom gave me her "old" sewing machine last Christmas. This sewing machine is awesome and I have been so excited to use it but time goes too fast. My friend Alaina, who I hope doesn't read my blog, had her first baby this summer. She lives in Colorado and we met up last week in New Hampshire. Her daughter Katie is so beautiful!

So project #1: Make Katie a quilt. She is so beautiful, soft, and cuddly and her mom says that she is such a great baby, so I have to go with soft girly colors... here some of the top picks...

I'd like to narrow the colors down to 6. That will be the hardest part. The quilt will be very simple. Squares but with differnt textures. So I have cotton, fleece, satin, some fluffy stuff, and flannel.

And while I am making one, I may as well make 2.

Project #2: Here are some brights that I like. No baby in mind for this one but since I quilt like a snail races, I may as well start.

Project 3: Kaiden's room. Kaiden has never really had his own room. He feels most comfortable right next to mom and dad. He loves to have a life size snuggle buddy and I love it too. So since birth, Kaiden slept with us. I didn't really begin to push the issue of sleeping by himself until he was 3 and even then I was a bit laid back about it (still am). But now that I see how Kael loves his room (always has) and how he just curls up in his own space and feels safe and warm, I wish Kaiden had his own space like that as well. We thought that eventually he would sleep with Kael and he did for a few weeks but Kaiden kept complaining about Kael keeping him awake with his breathing (he doesn't snore so I am not sure what he means by that). I thought he was just saying this so we would let him fall asleep in our room, so one night I called his bluff (or so I thought) by saying that he didn't have to sleep with Kael, rather he could go sleep in the guest room by himself. And he did. He's been there for several months now. I will always let him sneak in our room in the morning but I would like him to start falling asleep in his own room rather than ours. He pretty much makes it to 2 - 4 am now by himself. I sleep like a log so I really don't know. Ian doesn't. I have been very careful in the post to use "I" where appropriate and "we" where appropraite!

So the guest room is becoming Kaiden's room. We are redoing it from a white, boring, somewhat messy room, to a Superman room.

Superman blue walls with yellow and red accents and hopefully I can find some of those wall stickers with Superman on it. I was hoping from some non-commercialize room like a nature room, frog room, water room, etc. but he is stuck on Superman at the moment so if Superman makes him feel safe and cozy, then Superman it is!

Stay tuned for the results. I hope I will be posting the results this month rather than a year from now! My projects are never as quick as I hope them to be!


Jodi @ Happy House Quilts said...

you rock! this is awesome that you are blogging...i just posted a biggie...and short on time...but let's visit each other in blog land...shall we swap links? Maybe that will propel us to actually walk down the road and visit?!

Love the pink minkie! The baby will love it too...i have a minkie blanket...and it's been so wonderful to curl up in! A big hug!

Superman! It's great...i too hate the whole merchandising of life...but if we go where our kids lead us...we will not mess them up too bad...*giggle*
hey did you notice...the asterisk is also the #8? *grin*

Andrea Q said...

What type of machine do you have? I love the comparison of your quilting to a racing snail.

When we finally buy a house, I'm not even going to mention to the kids that they can have a theme in their rooms. Fresh paint and new beds will likely break the budget!